Friday, March 14, 2008

Foot cramping

Muscle cramping can be a result of four main things: 1) Dehydration, 2) Lack of sodium, 3) Lack of magnesium, 4) Lack of potassium. What should you do to alleviate or eliminate the cramping? If you must have coffee or tea during the day, try to avoid it right before your workout, and drink a glass of water before your workout session. 

You can treat a cramp the following ways:

1. Slowly pull the foot away from the cramping position and hold it there until the foot cramp disappears.  Massage the foot for 5-10 minutes until the cramp feels better.
2. Elevate your foot to the level of your waist.
3. If the foot cramp comes from an athletic injury, apply an ice pack around the cramp, not on it. 
4. Use moist heat on the cramp 3 times a day if cramping is chronic.
5. Soak your foot in warm water.
6. Stay off of it and give it time to heal. 
7. Stretch your calf muscles daily.

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