Wednesday, January 8, 2014

6FIT Tips!

6FIT is fast approaching.  For some of you, this is your first time joining a 6FIT session and for others this is your 4th or 5th session!  We want everyone to be excited about starting this journey to a FIT life filled with veggies, water, clean food and lots of exercise.

We contacted some of our 6FIT graduates and asked them for their #1 tip they bring to every 6FIT and have carried over to their everyday lives.

Plan, plan and plan. Having your meals planned and snacks prepped ahead of time will make it easier for you to keep your eating healthy and less stressful. -Meghan A.

As time consuming as it was, veggie and meal prep hour was what kept me on track (and something I keep trying to get back to!). I started out using plastic tupperware containers when 6fit started, and realized it just took up way too much space in the fridge. So, my 6fit tip would be to use sealable bags for Sunday prep. It was also easier to throw those into my lunch bag on the run rather than bulky containers. -Liza T

The online support is great, but having a loved one at home hold you accountable to not eating that roll during no carbs is fantastic! - Stephanie D.

My #1 6fit tip is to be a good cheerleader for your teammates and they will be one for you-- it is a vital part of the process to make it through all 6 weeks I think! - Sam M.

Never give up. You are human. Moments of weakness will happen. - Kate C.

I would say meal planning is super helpful. I was not great at it, but the weeks I planned ahead were way easier than the weeks I didn't. - Denise T.

Water water water! I know that one sounds small and easy, but before 6FIT and during the first few, I never drank the amount of water you should, and I always struggled. Now I can't go far without my water bottle, and I always try to drink a full one before a snack just to make sure I'm really hungry and not just bored! Now I'm up to 80oz regularly and even travel with my water bottle in hand!!  -Courtney P.

Be diligent writing down what you eat and drink in your journal.  This simple task is really important, because it will help you be accountable of what you eat, and will help you make the necessary adjustments in planning your meals.  So if you have a goal weight, or looking to maintain healthy life style, start stocking up on pens and paper... Or for the youngens, clear some memory space for your  smart phone and tablets. ;) -Robert L

Stay in contact with your teammates on a daily basis.  Cheer them on, hear them vent, be there for support and motivation.  Your team and all the other members of 6FIT are there to help you achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself.  Be there for them, too! -Katrina S

One Fit tip would be to make your water bottle as important as your house keys. Take it everywhere.
I also set an alarm on my phone to go off when I should be getting ready for bed so I don't waste sleep time on silly things like FB. - Nicole P

Make time for the 14 minute workouts!  They are high intensity and really make a difference in your everyday workout routine.  Plus, It’s only 14 minutes! Anna K.

6FIT is NOT a diet, it is a lifestyle change where fitness and healthy eating meets friendship, support and motivation from people who all have the same goals!  If you are still hesitant about joining 6FIT this session, check out our testimonials page to hear how 6FIT has helped members of our DanceFIT Community!

Remember, you can take 6FIT from anywhere in the world with our remote 6FIT option!

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