Monday, December 9, 2013

An Important Message About Self-Love and Care This Holiday Season

This is one of the busiest times of the year for most people.  As much as the holiday season is joyful, fun and full of cheer, it also comes with a good amount of stress and anxiety and a lot of people tend to put themselves and their bodies last in order to make sure everyone else in their life is taken care of.  Good intentions, yes, but if you want everyone else in your life to be happy and healthy, YOU have to be happy and healthy!

We spoke to our newest yoga instructor, Manda Dogherty about the importance of caring for yourself during the holiday season.  Here's what she had to say!

Manda Dougherty Yoga explains how important Self-Care and Yoga truly are during the holiday season.  The holidays can mean a lot of different things for people. That may be holiday cheer and lots of joy and bundles of happiness. It could even mean sadness due to loss of a loved one. Perhaps the stress of shopping and not enough cash flow to get it all done. Or it could be a time where the real humbug comes out for you on a deeper level. What many seem to forget is the joy, the love and the peace all have to come from a much deeper place…and that comes from looking within you.
 A lot of times we put pressure on others, or lack there of in letting people make us feel a specific way. What we lose sight of is that that peace comes from ourselves.
Two years ago Manda had a tragic loss in her family, right around the holiday season that caused a HUGE damper on the family and anything to be considered a celebration, and still going to this day. It has made the holidays disappear when it comes to Manda’s family.  It really was something that hurt her beyond her belief, and to see the disarray it brought to family and friends boggled her mind, that instead of unison, separation was occurring.  It wasn't until this year that she realized no matter how any one else feels, she had to make herself feel better, to be in control and truly access what she wanted to feel this holiday season, not what anyone else was feeling, or wanted her to feel.  What helped her, like many other times in her life YOGA!
 Having been an actress/dancer/singer she found yoga to be a saving grace multiple times, but during stress and cultivation of the mind stuff it was and still is the best remedy. Finding her breath while grounding herself, she realized she was the only one in control of Manda.
So many people look at crazy pretzel poses, flying arm balances and little yogi bodies and they automatically deter themselves from stepping into a classroom. That’s why it is Manda’s sole duty as a teacher to make the safest, most impactful space for her students. So they can explore, embrace and create what their need is on that particular day. Coming to your mat for a practice is NEVER the same experience and it shouldn't be. Each day is a new journey. Always offering up a new intention, that she can only hope resonates with each and every student to some degree.
 Manda believes her sole purpose was to be put here to help others find their inner beauty, their love and their compassionate light within. Teaching students that it’s not ALWAYS about them, or glorifying their needs, it’s about LOVE. To know when the time is for you, and when the time is to take care of another. She has a strong foundation on teaching to know what the difference is.  You must help others to help yourself, but you always must take care of YOU before you can help anyone else!
 If you haven’t gotten on your mat, tried yoga, or perhaps it’s been awhile, there is no better time than now. Don’t wait until you think it’s the right time-this IS the right time. Check out Manda’s schedule DanceFIT Natick soon to be virtual as well as feel free to follow her on Facebook @ Manda Dougherty Yoga.
To a healthy, happy holiday season for YOU!

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